Ram Sales

On-Property Ram Sale Results


Thank you to our Buyers and Underbidders.
Congratulations to Eric & Helen Wythe, Broadwater Vic, on purchasing the Top Price Horn Ram for $4,250.00
Congratulations to Currans Family Trust, Hermidale, on purchasing the Top Price Poll Ram for $3,500.00
Ashley and Teena Currans, repeat volume buyers, secured eleven rams. Andrew George, Brewarrina also secured thirteen poll Rams.
The Sale average was $1,585.00

Repeat buyers made up the majority of bidders, with clients from four states enjoying the quality on offer at a great price.

Our 2023 Ram Sale Team had an average micron of 19.5. This truly reflects the quality wool our Stud Ewes are now producing. With data available on all Sires, clients are assured of breeding values that deliver.