
2024 Rams, Exceptional Drop


We are excited to give you a sneak peek at some of our Sale Rams for 2024. Our standout young rams include the sons of Towonga 1478 (Dubbo Sale Ram, sold for $20,000 in 2022), Towonga Lockdown 19-1665 (Poll Sire with an exceptional skin), and the most exciting progeny from Collinsville 21-5121 (2023 Burra SA Ram of the Year).

We are confident that these young rams will meet all your expectations, and we look forward to offering them for purchase. We prioritise rams that can produce high-quality wool and have excellent carcass quality.

Our sale rams will be shorn in April to prepare for this year’s Show and Sale Season. We will offer this exceptional group at our annual On-Property Ram Sale on September 21, 2024.

You can see our Show Team at:

The Marra Field Day
Bendigo-Australian Merino Show
Dubbo National Merino Show

The Display team will be at
Nynagan Ag Expo
Dubbo National Merino Show
South West Slopes-Harden

6 month old Rams
Sire – Collinsville 21-5121